Friday, February 24, 2012

Unidentified: Insect people vending machine figures

What: Rubber figures of half insect, half human creatures. Pictured are pink and blue versions of an ant woman as well as a beetle man (who is quite the dapper gentleman sporting a cane and bowtie), as well as a softer rubber, suction figure with a sculpt that looks to be based on the beetle man. I'm assuming there were additional sculpts, but not sure. These are charming in a very bizarre, cheap toy sort of way.

When: Probably 1980s

Where: U.S., probably sold in toy vending machines

Who: N/A

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap. I had a few of these guys! I had the beetle in the middle but he was blue. I also had a blue grasshopper (?) and a yellow scorpion that looked like he was playing baseball. I MAY still have the blue beetle with the cane somewhere...
    I remember picking these up in the Staten Island mall (same one as the Diener Myth Monsters) for a quarter a piece.
