Friday, August 29, 2014
Mono Minis of the Day: 8/14/14 to 8/29/14
Here are the latest batches of Mono Minis of the Day--as posted daily on the Little Weirdos Instagram, Twitter and Flickr.
The lineup in the photo is as follows, from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Chimera from Monster in My Pocket
2. #95 from MUSCLE
3. Vampire in coffin from Vampires
4. Martian Fink vending machine charm
5. Beast from Handful of Heroes
6. Cowmumble from Freakies
7. Scorpion man from fantasy playset
8. Phantom Outhouse from OMFG
9. Ninja archer from Cosmix
10. Cheif Karf from Mini Boglins
11. Adam Boom from Garbage Pail Kids MiniKins
12. Monster from Terrible Monster / Monsters & Goblins
13. Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon Bucket of Dragons
14. Basehit Bones from SLUG Zombies
15. Monster from Cromy Club Monster in My Pocket
16. Monster warrior from Warriors of the Galaxy
So much fun!