Sunday, May 17, 2015
Mono Minis of the Day: 4/27/15 to 5/13/15
Here are the latest batches of Mono Minis of the Day--as posted daily on the Little Weirdos Instagram, Twitter and Flickr. The lineup in the photo is as follows, from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Parachuting robot vending figure
2. Cyclops from Monster in My Pocket
3. Kaiju from Ultraman 'Great Monster the 30' set
4. #226 from MUSCLE
5. Chimaera from Horrors N Heroes
6. Monster from Geddes mini monster erasers
7. Centaur from Diener Mythology Creatures
8. Dinosaur from Dino Brites
9. Space Invaders eraser
10. Ultraman Leo from Ultraman figure set
11. Hammer the Predator from Gormiti Micros
12. Abominable Snowman from Monster in My Pocket
13. Fishy Phyllis from Garbage Pail Kids Minikins
14. II Knight (second sculpt) from Neclos Fortress
15. Canned Food Fighters bootleg vending keshi
16. Kinkeshi figure (non-MUSCLE sculpt)
The kaiju is Zarab-Seijin